
How To Make Your Voice Break Faster

How do you make your voice high pitched when making a video? And you'll be talking twice as fast in a high voice like Fred. Unfortunately there is no way of making your voice break. I have a really annoying voice thats really high and i want it to break to have a nicer voice (deeper). Any methods you have of making my voice break quicker???? Thanks Connor:) (going through puberty at the moment) I didn't know what category to put this in so.

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Watch more Singing Tips videos: Most of us could only sound like Barry White by gargling cockleburs. But you can pull off a throaty, soulful resonance with the right kind of practice. Step 1: Reduce stress Reduce stress in your life, which tightens muscles, including the ones that influence your voice. Deep resonance derives from loose vocal cords. Step 2: Hum and raise head Hum in low registers with your head down and your chin just above your chest. Then raise your head, still humming, to face the ceiling. This will stretch your vocal cords.

Tip Your voice is lower when you wake up because your larynx has been relaxed and reverberating at its proper, deeper register. Apply mentholated ointment to your chest before going to sleep to further relax your throat muscles. Step 3: Speak slowly Speak slowly and project from the back of your throat, allowing sound to vibrate from your chest. Keep your head up when you speak. Tip Don’t force yourself to be what you are not. If you are a tenor, be that, instead of hurting your voice trying to change. Step 4: Exercise neck muscles Exercise your neck and strengthen it, because weak neck muscles force muscles around the vocal cords to strain to help out, tightening and thinning sound.

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Step 5: Breathe deeply Breathe deeply into your diaphragm without flexing your abs. Exhale making the hissing sound of a snake. Taking in a lot of air makes outflow gentler and richer.

Tip Scream-singing like a rocker can condition and deepen vocal sound, but is a dangerous way to do it. Step 6: Drink water Drink lots of room temperature water to hydrate. Cold water tightens the muscles and makes them inflexible.

Did You Know? Did you know?

A study of 100 adults in Tanzania found a link between men with deeper voices and the number of children they had.